This complete delivery, excluding the technology delivery, of a Production Plant for non-woven textiles was realized in an industrial area near Cairo in Egypt. Turn-key delivery of the construction was performed in the specific conditions of Egypt by cooperation with local subcontractors and the facility was successfully handed over to the Client in September, 2013. The Production Plant consists of a production hall, storage area, extensions with technological background and an administrative building. The project included construction of other structures such as transformer station, water tanks, service pipelines and roads inside the plant area. Although the construction progress was marked by tumultuous political situation in Egypt, its completion and handover were finished according to the Time Schedule. Thus, this project has become the first successfully completed foreign investment after the Arabian Spring.A similar Production Plant we built for Pegas in the existing Plant in Znojmo.
The extension, administrative building and production hall are of monolithic building frame and the rest is steel-cage construction. The buildings are cased with profiled metal sheet and insulation.
Similar production plant has been built by PSG in Znojmo but in the existing plant. This time the plant is situated in desert near the pyramids in Giza.